SEO for WordPress

Image Alt Text for SEO

Alt text or alternative text is a hidden short description of an image. Alt texts help people with visual impairments understand the message conveyed behind every graphic.

We also use Alt text for SEO to add in more valuable keywords for the search engines to pick up on. For more information follow this link:

What is Alt Text & Why is it Important?


Yoast SEO provides handy options for dealing with page titles, descriptions, and URLs and we’ll be concentrating on these areas for the purposes of comparing it with other plugins. It also adds integration options for major social networks, but we won’t be dwelling too much on that as there are any number of dedicated social plugins that can handle that side of things better.

The other two main standout features of Yoast SEO are XML sitemap generation and URL redirects – the latter being a premium feature. Again, there are dedicated plugin solutions available to handle both of these requirements but they’re certainly pretty handy to have available in an SEO context. We’ll cover options for these as well.

Before we get into our comparisons, it’s worth mentioning that all themes available from Elegant Themes come with a built-in SEO section in the theme options settings which can be a great alternative to using plugins if you’re comfortable enough with using custom fields.

Yoast SEO for Posts and Pages

Yoast’s General Settings tab serves as a starter page where you can check out their resource listings, set up some personal information, and integrate different webmaster tools such as Google Search Console.


Link source: Elegant Themes