
With 20 years experience in the IT industry we look at improving your online profile by either building a cost effective site or improving your current systems. We believe a website should be a constantly evolving entity that reflects how your business can benefit others.

We specialise in Website Design, Development and IT support.

  • Build a site from scratch
  • Manage and upgrade an existing site/or blog
  • Database Design & Management
  • CMS (Content Management Systems) e.g  WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Silverstripe etc
  • Website, Software and Technology coaching/tutoring
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • E-Newsletters
  • E-Learning Solutions – Moodle, Flash etc

Setting up your Site

There are three main things that we will need to decide, setup and budget for when setting up and managing your website.

Here are the main options we offer:

1. Domain Name
The name of your website will need to be registered e.g . If you register a domain it will usually cost around $35 for 2 years. If you register a .com it costs slightly less and you can pay by the year. We suggest using the so searches on search engines work better for a business operating in Australia only, however it can be good to purchase both the and the .com and forward the .com to the so you have maximum coverage on the web! We take care of the registration for you and then invoice you, as long as you can supply the ABN and other details.

2. Hosting
I have a few different options depending on how much data/images needed and what kind of site. If you have a small site with not much info and budget is tight then I can offer a shared hosting on one of my servers
– TPP Cpanel Hosting $11.95/month

A more reliable option with TPP who are my preferred supplier, is to have a Cloud hosting arrangement for $14.95/month  this option will allow you to access your own hosting area, has databases activated on it that will enable a dynamic site to give you the Content Management System (CMS). Our preferred CMS these days is WordPress. But I can work with any CMS and have also designed our own custom built CMS if you do not like WordPress or others.

We can also custom build any section of your site as needed. Please contact us to discuss rates.

3. Website Design and Development – For site build rates it really depends on what you want to show on the site. There are 2 main options:

A. Static site – where you have around 5 pages or less as a showcase/online brochure and you don’t update it very often. We can update it occasionally when needed. We do any updates on an hourly rate and we agree on how many hours the work will take before we go ahead. Usually the initial site build for a static site can take about 5 to 10 hours. Really depending on the content you would like on your site. Contact us for rates.

B. Dynamic site
This option is really recommended for any site because you will be able to update your own content. We have a package deal for this kind of site where you will have the Content Management System (CMS) and we give you training on how to use it. The package deal is $900+gst which roughly equates to about 10 hrs work. If you have a lot of images that need manipulating or something then we may need to add a little more but usually the package deal works very well in getting a good site up and running.

The package deal includes search engine optimisation, google analytics reporting setup and also setting up any email addresses you would like to have etc. So have a think about what addresses you would like and what content you have ready to go.

Other package options can be discussed to fit your budget. And e-commerce solutions are also something we do often as an additional package to your original build.

We usually ask for a 50% deposit once we have had a design mockup approved so that we can begin the build from there and then the other 50% on completion when we go live with the site.

We like to have a face to face meeting initially to gather all the info needed to start the mockup phase as well and then a meeting when we go live to train you on how to use the product. The rest can be done via email and/or Skype.

We can rebuild your existing site or make a new site from scratch!